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I got all 3 endings even though I felt like a monster for killing the cats though 😅

I really loved the art!

I really liked this game. The art style is amazing and it's very creative in the way it tells its story. So much about the presentation elevated it above the normal indie horror games I've played. I particularly liked the disjointed piano keys that signified each character's "voices". It's the perfect mix of being kind of jovial and silly but also creepy and unsettling.

I felt quite bad for you since Mark only played one ending (and not even ending 1) and then abandoned it without even seeing half of the game. Especially since you clearly intended someone to play all 3 endings. I was quite surprised by how much additional work and content went into the last one and there was clearly a lot of care put into the experience as a whole.

But because I genuinely like it so much and see a lot of potential in your game development I also have some (hopefully) constructive criticisms I've gathered while playing through it.

The first, is the reason I suspect Mark didn't play to see all the endings. I think having the player wait during every single playthrough when they're supposed to play it at least three times can get pretty tedious. Some way to skip these waiting sequences (the one with mom and the one with grandma) after the first playthrough would've greatly increased the experience and would also actually encourage someone to see all the endings.

The second point is going to sound a bit mean but I think it would be a good idea to have someone proofread your text. There were a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes that can make it difficult to read quickly and (in my opinion) just generally weigh down an otherwise great presentation.

Lastly, I've encountered a few bugs as well. There's obviously the softlock Mark found (which probably also contributed to him not finishing the game) but there is also a wall in grandma's room that you can walk through so you fall down the map and have to restart again. While being more minor than the other two, the text sometimes disappearing mid-sentence is another one of those problems that would really make the game feel more polished and improve the player experience if fixed.

But I really don't want these (relatively minor) criticisms to overshadow how much I enjoyed this. Many indie horror games have such problems but I truly believe that this is a lot more special than your average jumpscare fest.

Like I said, I loved the presentation of it and I hope you put all of this creative energy you clearly have into other amazing projects in the future. :)

I'm surprised I did the "good ending" (3 of 3) first try! great style and atmosphere!


My brain has made a dumb joke ending idea where you just cut the cake.

The art style was incredible. I really loved this game. And I got all three endings! Beautiful. Love love loved it! More, please!

Found a bug.. when in grandmaws room, if you hug the walls in the darkness you fall out of the map and have to close the game to restart

an awsome Game I absolutely loved it and got all 3 endings ;) the art style was absolutely beautiful

Adorei o game e fiz uma gameplay com 2 finais, recomendo muito

parabéns aos desenvolvedores por um ótimo trabalho!

o jogo foi bem divertido, e bem assustador em umas partes, um jogo bem legal além de ser lindo, recomendo muito


This was a really well put together game and there's a lot more to it than I originally thought. I really enjoyed this game and the cryptic story it tells. Great art, great story, Great game! Would recommend!

I wasn't expecting this game to be... So good!! I thought it would be a simple little game but it was so much more! The endings and the dialogues, it really added a lot of depth and layer to the game and made it fantastic!

A lot of work was put into the game and it really shows! Like interacting with a lot of things gives the player more context and adds to the story as a whole, and interacting also hints at the chest being something more if the player puts things together earlier (Cannot understate at how the subtle nudge at the chest connecting to the grandmother was a really good plot twist to the story, it was super well done!)

Not sure if the look of the game was inspired by My Beautiful Paper Smile, but it had that vibe and really made things seem creepy and elevated the tone of the game. The way some colours were more highlighted because everything else was prominently black and white, and how haggard the grandmother looked compared to the mother because of the darkness and also the jagged outlines in the drawings; it really was a well presented game!

The story too was pretty interesting and compelling. The way it branches off when the player does different thing was a fun rabbit hole to go down and the way everything adds to the story as a whole was super neat!

Overall the game was fun and super great to play and experience! Great job on it and hope your next project goes well too!

Love the art style and story! Great game overall!

we enjoyed the game, couldn't figure out all the endings, we refused to hurt the cat tho. great work on your game!

I really liked the game . It has a cool Style and a creepy story. Got 2 endings.

I loved the game and it was pretty cool but..  I refused to kill the cats.. lol

Got only one ending, but that's okay.

Btw, here is my video. I'm a brazilian guy who likes to play some random horror games (gameplay in portuguese). 

Thanks for the game!

never thought the story would get that deep,especially it hits people who's suffered from mental ilness & suicidal thoughts. much to say, i adore the art style and the intricate looks of the game. 

This game had a really cool style to it and presented a unique story that was fun to play through. Great job on the atmosphere and unsettlingness of this game. 

I am a good boy! 

I truly was.. a good boy..

Great game! I had to get all the endings so I played it multiple times. I thought it would be exhaustive but the atmosphere made up for it! The art style is creative to the environment and adds it's own uniqueness. Thank you for making it! 

Love the style! This game was really fun! Couldn't bring myself to hurt the cat though :(

Super spooky, and unnerving game! Liked the multiple endings, style was really good, and loved messing with the blocks. Made a video with all the endings, hope you enjoy! 

Really unique and fun game. the art style really caught my eye

This was so good and at times quite disturbing. I did not expect such a, drawn out, experience and I very much enjoyed it! 

Really good game! I found a glitch about halfway through and fell out the map though lol. But it was really well made and I really enjoyed the art style you chose for this.

everyone else is saying how they felt bad for killing the cats, but honestly i was traumatized by accidentally killing the thing in the chest

that really made me feel horrible

also the mom, i just love that design and her few but charming dialogues

This game was seriously amazing. I really enjoyed getting all 3 endings especially since each one was more and more mysterious. I highly recommend this game. Its a fun little game that makes you try to piece things together as you play. Here is my video is anyone is interested:

I got all the endings and i didn't expect the third one! Pretty simple but pretty amazing, the history of Billy and Mindy, and the thing about the grandma, so many misteries. Love the art styl


Very nice little game! Love the style

Played the entire thing and got all the endings, very cool! 

very wholesome

I have been traumatized by this game.  Nicely done!

as a cat I was highly offended by this game /s

Great game, wholesome spooky vibes :3

I liked it. The only issue that I had with the game was that sometimes, the text disappears before it's done trying to display the rest of a sentence.

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